Heathers correziennes in the vineyard
At first in 1978, after some technical studies and a first experience at the Saint-Émilion’s
family vineyard is born the will to produce my own wine but not wherever: in Libournais.
Then: Saint Emilion, Lalande de Pomerol either Fronsac?
The opportunities appear and it is finally at La Rivière,where our interest goes: a neglected property , a site of south hillsides / the very attractive western South, the beautyfull Girondist house from the beginning of the 18th and a sandy–clay soil which offers beautiful possibilities …
CHASSAGNOUX Père et Fille - Château Renard - La Rivière, 33126 Fronsac - Tél : +33 (6) 22 04 20 65 ou/et +33 (6) 80 70 67 82